InDownton Newsletter
The community newsletter for the village of Downton, Wiltshire
Downton Scouts news
Firework thank yous
The 1st Downton Scout Group held their annual Fireworks evening on November 5, selling out of all 1550 tickets. The event was organised, managed and supported by more than 4 dozen volunteers. Ross Arnold, the group's chairman said: "Thank you to all of you who came and supported the event and we hope you enjoyed the evening. We hope that those unable to attend will be able to join us next year". The profit made from the event will be ploughed back into the 1st Downton Scout Group to improve the environment, equipment and opportunity for young people in the area.
New Beaver leader
The chairman of the Downton Scout Group, Ross Arnold says: "We are incredibly grateful to Jon Edwards who has run a hugely successful Colony since 2018, and to Liam Hegarty who, alongside other volunteers has supported Jon until recently. Over the coming months, Stacey will be supported by Fiona Labdon, a Beaver Scout Leader from 10th Salisbury Group who is running the colony this term as Stacey learns the leader ropes. Many thanks to Fiona for keeping our colony running, and for supporting Stacey and the other leaders during this transition period. As ever, the continued success of the Beaver colony, and indeed the wider Scout group, is down to the volunteers who plan and run the activities for our young people - you can never have too many volunteers! If you're able to help once a month with a section evening, we'd love to hear from you."
Downton Scout Group is delighted to announce that Stacey Ringham has agreed to take over as the leader of the Beaver Scout Colony at 1st Downton Scouts.
The Downton Beavers group (for children aged between 6 and 8) is the introduction for young people into a world of Scouting and the leadership team is supported by the other group leaders and the Executive Committee which run the whole Scout Group. For more information please contact Ross on 07973 359363