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Rainbows, Brownies and Guides setting the example

Rainbows, Brownies and Guides setting the example

Keeping Downton tidy

The Parish Council are asking all residents to help look after the village - including the wildlife - so that all areas (especially the water meadows, the Moot and the Millennium Green) are kept litter free and cigarette butts and other rubbish is placed in bins.

Earlier in the summer, Rainbows, Brownies and Guides did a litter pick around the Memorial Gardens, the greens from South Lane to the end of the village and along the main road, Long Close and Gravel Close. The girls were doing this because they expressed interest in the environment and making a difference. This also formed part of their badge work. They were shocked at the amount of litter collected, especially from areas which have bins!

If a girl is interested in joining one of the groups, there’s more information and a link to register interest via The age ranges of the groups are: Rainbows (4-7), Brownies (7-10), Guides (10-14).

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