InDownton Newsletter
The community newsletter for the village of Downton, Wiltshire
Parish Council Steward at large
Have you spotted anything to be done?
Steve will be in Downton on January 14 and 15, February 12 and 13, March 12 and 13. He can carry out the tasks listed below, so if you see something that needs doing, please let the admin officer know by emailing or calling 07483 344035.
hand clearing and cutting of growth from drainage grips and drain gully covers
hand clearing of blocked gullies
rodding of drainage systems
clearing of small culverts, pipes, and pits
clearing storm debris
trimming encroaching hedges and vegetation from around road signs and railings
cleaning and straightening small road signs
hand cutting small visibility areas
reactive emergency repairs including pothole repairs (In accordance with Wiltshire Councils Highways Inspection Manual 2018)
find, fix & record potholes (cold repairs only)
responding to road closure requests from the emergency services
removal of ragwort (hand pulling or strimming of defined areas)
treatment/removal of weeds
graffiti and fly posting removal.
clearance of debris and materials from scenes of road traffic collisions including clinical waste
siding out of footways and carriageways
clearance of storm damaged trees from the Highway including the use of a chainsaw