InDownton Newsletter
The community newsletter for the village of Downton, Wiltshire
'Fridays' at the Memorial Hall
On the last Friday morning of the month, from 10am - 12 noon, the Memorial Hall turns into a cafe serving drinks and home-made cakes - with a bring and share stall for seedlings, garden flowers, vegetables or fruit. The book share is also well used - bring a book that you have finished and/or have a browse and take one away.
Donations more than cover the costs involved and the extra collected has will be used for additional events in 2023.
Thanks go to all the cake bakers - contributions are always much appreciated. The plan is to store any left overs in the freezer but so far that hasn't happened! The event is made possible by those who help - eg by clearing tables, putting tables and chairs away, washing pots and sweeping floors - and thanks go to all these volunteers too.