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Keep a Climate Change Diary

Keep a Climate Change Diary

The Green Network: local climate change information

The Green Network are offering an opportunity to get involved with identifying changes in our local flora and fauna.
The larger picture of climate change is often seen through reports of flooding, bad storms and drought, but the network is interested in what is happening on a smaller local scale. How are garden vegetables and flowers coping? Are there new pests and how is local wild life coping?
By observing from season to season, month by month the changes can be observed and useful information shared with local people and also included in national data bases.
The network is asking local residents to keep and share a climate diary, noting such things as how well seeds germinated; when blossom or flowers first appeared; comparison of home grown veg crop yields; the first swallow / house martin / swift sighting of the year; the insects which have made garden bug hotels their home.

Observations can be shared via or on Facebook to help build up a picture of how the changing climate is affecting this part of Wiltshire.

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