InDownton Newsletter
The community newsletter for the village of Downton, Wiltshire
Library News

Another successful summer of reading - and events to look forward to
Over 100 children took part in the Summer Reading Challenge this year - the number being measured by Duplo Jack, who reached the top of the beanstalk. During the summer holidays, there were activity sessions each Monday, where children could draw, colour, do origami, sewing and Lego.
September marks Downton Library's 21st birthday at its current location. To celebrate, staff are hosting an informal reminiscence session on Friday 27 September, 10:30am - 12:00pm, with refreshments. Bring mementos and share stories of Downton to help them mark the occasion. No booking is required.
Silver Salisbury is hosting a talk about the history of Salisbury Hospital at the library on Monday 30 September. More details in the Silver Salisbury article on page 13.
Regular events continue through the autumn. New families are welcome at the regular Rhyme Times, which run every other Friday morning for babies and pre-schoolers (search “Downton Library” on Eventbrite for details). The craft group meets monthly. The next session is on Friday 13 September, 10:45am - 2pm. All crafters, whatever ability, are welcome.