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Parish Council finances

Parish Council finances

How does the Parish Council budget work?

The Parish Council reports looking back on some real positives of the 2023/24 financial year, such as the completion of the play parks and repairs to the Memorial Centre. At the same time, the council is planning for the next financial year. The money comes from the local element of the Council Tax (called the precept) and this is set by the Parish Council to manage local services. Council chair, Jane Brentor, says: “After some very difficult decision making over three separate Council meetings, Downton Parish Council has reluctantly found it necessary to increase the precept. The Parish Council is committed to delivering services and not making cuts but there has been a significant increase in cost to deliver public services.”

The precept budget has increased by £55,450, an increase of £3.33 per month for the average household. The additional costs (detailed below) have been partially offset by savings.

£20,817 (38% of the increase) Loan repayments for the three Play Park refurbishments which

resulted from agreement by public consultation.

£3,000 Increase in annual insurance premium.

£4,100.14 Increase in cost to deliver public services.

£5,000 Cemetery Refurb Project Phase 2

£1,000 Community Xmas Tree

£5,532.86 increase in staff remuneration due to nationally negotiated pay rises

£16,000 Financial security - reserves have to be held to run the Council in unforeseen


A more detailed account of Parish Council finances can be found here or the Parish Council website. Parish Council meetings are held on the second Monday of the month in the Bonvalot Room in the Downton Memorial Centre, starting at 7pm. There meeting always starts with a public question time. In a plea for more community involvement, Jane says, “Do come along and have your say. It is YOUR village. Even more could be achieved if the Council had its full contingent of Councillors (we have only 8 out of the allocation of 15) so if you would like to be part of local decision making, including deciding on how the budget is set, then please do contact us.”

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