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Repair Cafe - making a difference to the community

Lover Repair Cafe

Every Wednesday and Friday morning.

Redlynch Village Hall

10am - 12 noon

Leave your name & phone number, and you will be contacted when your item is ready for collection.  

You are simply asked to pay for material costs and give a donation to our Local Projects.

Enquiries: Paul 01725 510753 or preferably email

Situations vacant for volunteers


Are you a retired electronic engineer who would enjoy helping others & keeping your skills alive?

Rush/reed chairs - Are you skilled in re threading chairs?  Work from home and apply your skills.

Doll/Teddy Repairs - Expert or keen learner required.  Would you like to learn to repair dolls or teddy bears? 


For more information, email  - they would love to have you on board.

Care in the Community Finalists

The Lover Repair Cafe are finalists in BBC Radio Wiltshire’s Make a Difference competition in the Community Group category.  The judges will announce the  winners later in September.

The Repair Cafe have been going for some time now - and some interesting statistics have been produced, with some help from Farnham Repair Cafe & the University for Creative Arts, Farnham.  From their 453 sessions this far, 3606 jobs have been completed satisfactorily - which equates to an 88% success rate.  Approximately 13.5 tonnes of landfill has been diverted and CO2 emissions have been reduced by 105 tonnes.  This all amounts to a potential saving of £250,000 by the community - all involved are extremely pleased to know what a difference they are making to the environment, in addition to their already very substantial donations to charity.  Recently they have been able to send £1000 to UK DEC in aid of the Turkey & Syrian Earthquake Appeal.

A 20th Century Westminster Chime before (left) and after (right) restoration

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