InDownton Newsletter
The community newsletter for the village of Downton, Wiltshire
Downton Baptist Church news

Contact details:
Downton Baptist Church (DBC) South Lane Downton SP5 3NA
Sunday Services: 10:30am
Ministers: Rev Philip Rhoades & Rev Katy Ullyatt
07468 491143 (out of hours contact number)
Email: rhoades470@btinternet.com
Church Office: 01725 512971
Email: office@downtonbaptist.org
Website: downtonbaptist.org
Regular groups
The Playroom: Every Wednesday (Term time only) 9 - 11am
Toys, tea and toast. Singing and stories - all pre-schoolers and their adults are welcome.
Thursday Church 10.30am - 12.30pm. Traditional Church Service, followed by (free) Community Lunch on 2nd and 4th Thursdays of the month
Young People on Sundays
10.30am to 11.30am
3 weeks a month, Junior Church on Sunday Mornings. More details about dates / activities on the church website
DBC is a busy place, with lots of community initiatives to get involved with. This is a sample of what is happening. More information on the church's website.
Take a look at what's happening at DBC........
A garden is under way - a place to grow and share its produce. Find out what happened when InDownton visited. The Garden is open Thursdays and Sundays from 2:30 - 4:30pm for sowing, planting, growing and tea drinking. No experience necessary - no charge - everyone is welcome to come along and join in. If you would like to donate plants and/or seeds take them along when the garden is open and they will be warmly received. Volunteers are welcome - contact the church office.

Meeting together to pray and worship and supporting each other on their walk with Jesus. The church's Sunday morning service at 10.30 am includes groups for young people every other Sunday Morning - as well as during the week. The Thursday Morning Church at 10.30am starts with refreshments followed by a traditional church service with hymns on the organ. On 2nd and 4th Thursdays, there is a free two course hot midday lunch.
The Community Larder is open on Mondays 6-7pm, Wednesday 9-10 am, Thursdays 9-10 am and 6-7pm. No referral is necessary, so the Larder's contents are available to all. Demand has been growing and new donations, both in food or by money, are always welcome. Food is collected at the Co-op, local schools and care homes, as well as at DBC.
This is a way of supporting the local community - and sharing produce that would otherwise be wasted. As the gardening season approaches, the church asks that you consider growing a little extra in your garden to donate.
The Church is a food distribution centre for Salisbury Foodbank and the Trussell Trust. The church is open on Thursday mornings from 9am - 11am for the distribution of food parcels. If you would like more information, please contact the church office.
The Wardrobe is open on the third Friday of most months, from 2 - 3:30pm. In these times of challenges and rising costs - and concerns about the impact of discarding 'fast fashion' items - this is a place to donate items that are no longer needed, or pick up something at no charge. The next dates are 17 February and 17 March. There will be no Wardrobe in April. The organisers are grateful for the more generous quality clothing donations - and look forward to providing a warm welcome throughout 2023.
As well as the established community lunch on Thursdays, the Kitchen now opens for free hot meals on Thursday evenings, run in partnership with the Co-op, from 6pm to 7pm. Supported by Downton Churches Together and run by volunteers, this is a warm and welcoming place where people can come and eat for free as a community. Bring a friend!
Click here for information about this year's Holiday Club